The Financial Statements for the periods from 01/01/2015 to 30/06/2015

August 16, 2015

CGC Board Meeting was held on Wednesday 12/08/2015 and the financial statements has been approved for the period from 01/01/2015 to 30/06/2015 as follows:– Current Period; 6 months (from 01/01/2015 until 30/06/2015) = KD 2,100,654.00/- [17.15 Fils per share] – 3 months (from 01/04/2015 until 30/06/2015) = KD 1,520,059.00/- [12.41 Fils per share]. Comparative Period; 6 months (From 01/01/2014) = KD 2,066,985.00/- [16.85 Fils per share] – 3 months (from 01/04/2014) = KD 1,472,886.00 [12.01 Fils per share].

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